API Outline

At the heart of Tikhonov is the Regularize object. It can be initiated with any of the object named in Definitions. Some examples include:

reg = Regularize(data={A: A_mat, y: y_vec})
reg_result = reg.execute()

reg = Regularize(data={H_r: H_r_mat, y: y_vec})
reg_result = reg.execute()

I = Identity(10)
T = Parameter('lambda', value=0.1) * I
reg = Regularize(data={H_x: H_x_mat, T: T, y: y_vec})
reg_result = reg.execute()

Tikhonov will then select the best model to use in each case.

You can also provide your own model, which has to be a type of BaseCallableModel:

N_x, N_y = symbols('N_x, N_y')
T = MatrixSymbol('T', N_x, N_x)
H_x = MatrixSymbol('H_x', N_x, N_x)
W = MatrixSymbol('W', N_x, N_x)
A = MatrixSymbol('A', N_y, N_x)
y = MatrixSymbol('y', N_y, 1)
x = MatrixSymbol('x', N_x, 1)
r = MatrixSymbol('r', N_y, 1)
d = MatrixSymbol('d', 1, 1)

model_dict = {
    H_x: A.T * A,
    W: (T + H_x),
    x: Inverse(W) * A.T * y,
    r: A * x - y,
    d: r.T * r,
model = CallableModel(model_dict)

T_mat = Parameter('lambda', value=0.1) * Identity(N_x)
reg = Regularize(model=model,
                 data={d: np.linalg.norm(y_stdev)**2, T: T_mat,
                       A: A_mat, y: y_mat}
reg_result = reg.execute()

It is important when doing this, to stick to the names defined in Definitions.

Although a lot of work to write down carefully, symfit makes this relatively easy. And fortunatelly, many such models are already present in Tikhonov.

Morozov Model